
Maybe it's better if you don't come back,
Maybe it's better if we don't talk anymore,
I don't know for sure,
But that way I'm at least sure you get the love you deserve,
I don't want to keep you down,
I don't want to make you frown,
I don't want to stand in you way,
Only hoping you will find what you're looking for,
Too bad it isn't behind my front door,
Just like I was before,
I could be the one you adore,
If you would just come back for more,
Instead of being the one stranded on the shore,
You don't have to know for sure,
I only ask for an answer true and pure,
Maybe it's better if you don't come back,
Maybe it's better if we don't talk anymore,
Cause you take all of me,
I'm under you're spell,
No one will ever be able to love you more then I,
For I love you more then I love myself,
Life's though and rough,
But couldn't my love be enough?
I can't sat maybe anymore,
Please don't come back one more for sure...
Just stay away and let me be okay.

Maybe it's best if you stay away,
so I don't need my emergency sadness kit,
every single day...

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