Till the shine wears off
All these stupid things we did,
It was just a matter of time for one of us got hit,
And hurt...
All these nights we stayed up late,
refrigerator light magic we made,
kitchen ballroom...
Oh how I'd love to keep you till I'm old,
But it's shine always fades,
Even if it's real gold,
The shine wears off...
All the stars we saw,
For you I broke every single law,
I've ever had...
All the kisses you blowed,
The pictures you showed,
To me...
Oh how I'd love to keep you till I'm old,
But it's shine always fades,
Even if it's real gold,
The shine wears off...
I'd love to keep you till I'm old,
Boy you're one made from gold!
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It was just a matter of time for one of us got hit,
And hurt...
All these nights we stayed up late,
refrigerator light magic we made,
kitchen ballroom...
Oh how I'd love to keep you till I'm old,
But it's shine always fades,
Even if it's real gold,
The shine wears off...
All the stars we saw,
For you I broke every single law,
I've ever had...
All the kisses you blowed,
The pictures you showed,
To me...
Oh how I'd love to keep you till I'm old,
But it's shine always fades,
Even if it's real gold,
The shine wears off...
I'd love to keep you till I'm old,
Boy you're one made from gold!
just waiting till the shine wears off |
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