Unfolded box

I was always like a box,
I used to be flat and really nothing at all,
But throughout my life,
Ive got shaped,
And I started to fold and fold,
Bases upon things I've experienced I started to learn, 
I started to grow,
And just like every other one,
My learning wasn't without mistakes,
Once I've took too much on and I got these tear marks,
And I've been used and beaten up,
But not for standing on the side,
It was for living,
And the Marks' that it left were all too often scars,
So I decided to tape up my box so nothing could get in anymore,
What was important was in,
That way how could anything hurt me right?
But the most important thing I've learned was that if nothing can hurt you, 
Neither can anything touch you...
And you were one to touch me gentle, 
So you were patiently waiting as you kindly asked me to maybe take of some tape,
And I started one by one,
To tear my guard down,
And once the tape was gotten rid of,
And you had proven to be invested in me,
For the first time ever,
I unfolded in life,
All too let you in...
And you said to me,
"I love you even more once you're opened up, 
For I love you even every flaw, I love you with my all"
So I say to the world now,
Think out of the box, get invested,
And you'll be surprised by the unfolding of events in you're luck...

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